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This place is situated in the DeKalb County in Georgia in the United States of America. According to the census of the 2000 the total population of the city was 26,532. The city of Trucker is also known as the emain Street Truckere. The city is never incorporated formally. In the DeKalb County the municipal services like the water, schools, and police are provided. If the city was incorporated then this city could be the biggest city in the County. A committee which is formed by the civic aviation of the trucker is recently exploring all the possibilities for corporating as a new city to Trucker.
The city has made a different identity as the churches, schools and the business which are locally operated and owned as like the Matthews Cafeteria, Saving and loan association of the Trucker Federal and the building supply business of the Cofer Brothers. With its own zip code 30084 the city has been designated.
According to the census of the United States Bureau the city covers the total area of about 12.1 square miles. Out of which the total area covered by land is the 12.o square miles and the area covered by the water is 0.1 square miles. From the downtown Atlanta the city of Trucker is situated at a distance of the 15 miles from the north east. The Atlanta Regional Commission issued a grant for developing a Liveable Cities Initiatives in the Tucker in the year 2005.
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