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If you are looking to go on a nice vacation away from all the people you know and you want to do something different, you can always lock yourself up in your basement and tell all of your friends and family that you are going away. Or, you could really go away, and tell all of your friends and family that you are staying home, making them come by every day thinking that you do not want to speak to them, that will surely get rid of the in-laws for good. When we plan for a vacation we always think of going to a place that we have never been before, like an exotic island, or hiking up some mountain range in some country you have never heard of.
But if you really want to take time out, go to a place that is relaxing, because that is all we humans want. We want to get away from our jobs and not do anything for a few weeks, we want to get a car hire and drive around a place we do not know, knowing that we do not have anywhere to really go. You could do just that in Brantford. Brantford it on the Grand River and is located in Ontario Canada. This is a small city, so not being disturb will be a possibility in its 90 000 residents. So grab your plane tickets and make sure you can get a car hire from one of the many at the airport, and be on your way.
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